Lesson 1
- PO have specific role into the company. He is around of the product what is important for him ... ;
- He is communicate with all other team members: testers, programmers, PM, analytics and e.t.c.;
- Important points into the product development: lean canvas, users, investors, competitors, design, e.t.c.;
- We shell learn all steps from the begun to the completed product into these Boot Camp at the various educations formats;
- Many sources from the English speaking people;
- Product is service or things that we can sell. We have many various determining by the many authors;
- Soft skill for the product; Real experience better here;
- Day by the PO is 75% of communications;
- Hard Skill: works with users, understanding market palace, measures, development process control;
- We are can do it from begin to the end, or join into the process of product development;
- Development is: determining client' problem, hypotheses - determining and check it, economics analyze, start MVP, release and move it into the sells, control it;
Lesson 2
My: It isn't in strict order
- What they understand ... What they "like" ... What they can repeating ... What* ...
- Product what balanced with customer ability product is best solution, possible to include education into the product;
- Real budget as complete budget to each solution: from nothing to end of the support;
- Profit predict from single product using: from the first sell to the end of support;
Abstract methodology
- Target isn't product. First target are hypotheses about product or maybe many hypotheses;
- Budget set limit to possible variants there;
- The based source of information it's people' problems;
- The second step - present solution as product and check what they will bought it;
- If it's works we will increase count of consumers;
- The success will coming to business where idea will be effective by upgrading before money to do it will ends; [! so good to the job] Need to test idea many times after each upgrade!
- We are need to use first budget to get product and update it of the company profit also;
The Lean Canvas: complete research
- Consumers segments: who they are;
- Consumers who is easy to offer - cheap tests;
- Consumers problem;
- Solution what allow on the market if it's possible;
- Solution as what we shell do;
- Solution as product description what is result of previous point;
- Sources of the consumers and their metrics;
- Costs and profit;
- Product determining;
This form in the focus ...
- Key metrics: what is numeric and what they are determining?
- Need to do answer for each question ...
Lesson 3
Lean Canvas isn't rules, it's terms what possible to update.
- Unique value propositions is completed offer what will be use in the advertising or offer presentations. Uniqueness is important here, to show what is customer can get only of our service.
- Solution it's really key in the offer what possible to use - proportional to problems.
- Key metrics - what is correlate with result, what is associate with result, what is important ... How to measure our business, product or employee effective? How to understand customers acquisition on various steps?
- Cost structure, Revenue stream is about profit/costs.
- Channels - completed sources where we can get customers, tools to do it also.
It's hypotheses level research, more abstract than really. We can't understand market all at these time completely. Cost structure, Revenue stream is only one what important all time.
Business model is method to looking at it as company owner or employer, but not as customer. It's next step with changed Lean Canvas. Business models will be possible to do if product is ready. Also, it's possible to change many time while company is works.
Lesson 4
- We have Lean Canvas where we took information about customers problems and their groups;
- In the next - monetization what is method to get profit with various finance models.
- Monetization provide base to unit-economy;
- Important ask here is - How will we get profit? Possible and better to use many models to do more money incoming threads;
- Need to do it accuracy because all models don't work with all products. How to do it? Methods? Logical hypothesis with analyze?
- ERP systems is using for these;
- 90% of all BM is around of 55-templates of them (book: Business Model Navigator);
- Loop to the BM creation:
- Can we create the habit to use it or it's only single pay?
- How do customer pay to the competitors?
- More ideas!
- Can adverting be a alternative method?
- Can we conquer current market?
- Possible to do mistakes there ...
- What is result if we are creating product: accept problem. But don't research customers!
- What product strategy include:
- Product vision;
- Product objectives by SMART;
- Product metrics;
- Plan with accuracy points how to achieve objectives;
- SMART is central method to planning;
- Why do we change objectives?
- Hypothesis don't work;
- We has gotten more effective hypothesis;
- The market has changed;
- Effective method to planning - use high level metrics (costs, income, clear profit) for them, no connection with any another product (Apple pay, google product, e.t.c.). Do focus into the objectives on the metrics;
- Make many lean canvas to get one what is better;
- If we have chose one - check risks, choose first important business model, set name as "Plan A" for it, continuous to check risk at first here;
- Risk groups by priority:
- Customer risks;
- Product risks;
- Markets risks;
Lesson 5
- Monetization model is method to make independent product what not need additional money income to work;
- It's dynamic model at the business. Don't spend many time to get first;
- Check each what I like and exclude all what don't work;
- It's large part of the business model;
- We want one to the begin - first what important into the our business or maybe more;
- I think what important to do completed simple business what possible to be as sufficient business around our product;
- Customers will pay only if they want value, haven't ability and we can provide it to them;
- Any monetization models contradict if they are together into one business;
I can do research to update my business on the any time to do completed business model without problems into the income/spends different.
GIST using to do it. Each employee must know company' targets:
- Goals: high level targets (targets terms or rules by SMART model);
- Ideas: how to do it. Many ideas - best where we know facts what is possible;
- Steps: each idea' point to release;
- Tasks: who to to for each employee;
Lesson 6
- Product hypothesis is through about product that maybe will provide changes into the product to the better result;
- We are need to prove hypothesis each time;