Lesson 1
- Based on the proprietary standard what is one source of determining but complete description to show what I can get if I'll use it;
- PMBOK it isn't free book and it isn't real description for begun;
- It's for projects with not accuracy budgets;
- I think what is for the projects with high risk and not fixed profitability, with difficult and not obvious perspective;
- It's works at customer who don't know what he needs accuracy;
- PM is between them ... difficult job with high risk and maybe high profit;
- Possible what all will be done if check all project but is real work what is nearby of the job to update customer requirements; What is real additional money;
- So real to do it at equal how customer think what it works and nothing more but for his money and go away; It's real very bag if I get it and work with it;
- If customer think about perspective and long works for his project, if real product on the high quality in the central position - possible to change opinion and work with him long time;
- Possible to exclude this model and change it to the many PO who works with product what can provide real profit - they will do all functions into the company what is need; They are nearby of the product and they are do all what need to product what can provide profit and what is base for the management;
- Important what things and service is important to sell now for many people. What set central place to the product in the each project/company/business/e.t.c.;
- May be it's for people who like to do anything ... but they are haven't knowledge and another sources ... but they can try ... ;
- It's real expensive for me each times because need to check many many many information if I haven't it about how it will work;
- And important also ... how get money here ... ? How to don't get lost here? Where is result for me?
- Informal and questionable relationship are possible permanently... ;
- If I have company with shares on the market, it'll provide complete and rated at money measure what is good result of PM job. But it's possible only if I have effective product;
- Also possible to have company without it, but shares trade it's important target to the PM I think;
- Before trade important is make company appropriate to the shares market conditions;
- After it need to support appropriate state to effective shares trade;
- It's the best completed structure of any company what possible in the current social and economic state and it's important targets to the PM;
Lesson 2
- Who is stakeholders? All people who communicate with company and affect it at various degrees;
- It's so real impressive multitude of people;
- Sponsor is the magic source of all what we want to do job;
- Customer is the source of information about product. If we have his - we have product to develop;
- Difficult target to understand what we are do and whom we do it ... maybe they are into the stakeholders multitude or maybe not .. ; But all who is like company and will support shares trade is important there;
- PM is so real important to communicate with advertising makers;
- PM can support loyal opinion about company of the stakeholders also ... what isn't bad;
- Many controversial is possible there. But I know what Sponsor and Customer is important persons if we have problem. Conditions about product attributes and resource limits can help to exclude controversial there, but it isn't easy job to get truth conclusion each time;
- Possible what Customer its one person for all solutions about all important questions and also possible what he is hidden Sponsor what is really Bank ... ;
Lesson 3
- Product vision (PV) is document where base point is business! It's shortly to say about all important points around 3 minutes! Uses to presentation in dialogue, into random meets, e.t.c.;
- Business-functional requirements (BFR) is document to communications between client and development team;
- Technical requirements (TR) is detailed description how product will work. It's around of users manual but previous develop and to development team;
- BFR by:
- business;
- designers;
- personal/employees;
- customers
- Product owner do these documents or participates on the creations;
Lesson 4